Croatian Language and Culture Abroad:

Exploring the Past, Present and Future


Registration for the conference

The following categories can participate in the conference as presenters:
• Researchers from the humanities, social sciences and interdisciplinary sciences
• Teachers of Croatian language and culture abroad,
• Teachers,
• Language experts,
• Doctoral students,
• Students,
• Representative of the executive power.

All of those interested in Croatian language, culture, national identity and Croatian diaspora can follow the conference as attendees.

To register for the conference, please fill in the registration form..
Presenters can submit a maximum of two papers (either as authors or co-authors).
In the registration form, there is the option of registering as a presenter (in person or online) or as an attendee.

All presenters are required to submit an abstract in Croatian and in English, in line with the instructions provided in the registration form.

Abstract formatting instructions

The abstract should contain a clearly stated research problem, research methodology, theoretical framework and scientific-professional contribution.

Font: Times New Roman
Font size: 10
Line spacing: single
Keywords: separated by commas and listed in alphabetical order

Abstracts must be submitted by 1 June 2025.
Participants will receive a notification of abstract acceptance after the peer-review procedure, at the latest by 30 July 2025.

Registration form

*Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

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