Croatian Language and Culture Abroad:

Exploring the Past, Present and Future


Theme of the Scientific and Professional Conference


Explanation of the theme

Diverse historical, political, economic and social circumstances had an impact on the waves of emigration of the Croatian people. Croats in the diaspora, as any other nationality, especially in this era of comprehensive globalisation processes, are facing the problem of assimilation, i.e. the loss or suppression of identity values. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia guarantees the protection of the rights of its diaspora, as well as the need to promote ties of the Croatian diaspora with the homeland.

The conference will cover topics that are of utmost importance given the dynamics of contemporary social and cultural changes associated with increasing migrations to and from Croatian territory. The Croatian language and culture are fundamental determinants of national identity, and due to the recent emigration of Croatian citizens and the immigration of an ethnically diverse population, the preservation of Croatian language and culture is highlighted as a prerequisite for the resilience of the identity of the majority Croatian population in the homeland and abroad.

Furthermore, the conference will also consider challenges and opportunities for cooperation between institutions in the homeland and Croatian communities in the diaspora with the aim of maintaining and preserving national awareness in a globalised world. Bringing together experts from various disciplines, as well as exploring contemporary aspects of the topics, will encompass existing and modern migration trends in order to analyse the historical and contemporary challenges of preserving the Croatian language and culture among the Croatian diaspora and consider prospects and strategies for the future.

Expected results of the conference

  • Encouraging the understanding of the importance of teaching the Croatian language and culture abroad;
  • Including multiple elements of the foundation of national identity in educational activities;
  • Creating and building quality and continuous cooperation with Croatian diaspora communities;
  • Enriching and expanding scientific and professional topics for the purpose of nurturing and strengthening national identity;
  • Providing a modern insight into the process of learning Croatian as a second and foreign language;
  • Contributing to integration programmes in terms of learning the Croatian language and culture;
  • Developing and enhancing digital tools and resources for teaching the Croatian language and culture abroad, suitable for the requirements of different generations of Croats in the diaspora;
  • Strengthening institutional support and strategic guidelines for systematic nurturing of the Croatian language and identity in the diaspora through cooperation with educational and cultural institutions;
  • Increasing visibility and availability of Croatian cultural heritage abroad through academic, cultural and social initiatives;
  • Encouraging interdisciplinary research and exchange of knowledge among researchers, teachers and experts dealing with the Croatian language and culture in a global context.

Conference languages: Croatian and English

Mode of attendance and conference dates

Konferencija će biti organizirana u dva dana. Oba dana izlaganja će biti uživo i online prema unaprijed objavljenom rasporedu.

The conference will be broadcast online via a special link, available to all participants who paid the conference fee. In addition, participants will also have access to presentations with audio and video of those online participants who cannot present in person or online in real-time.

Special conference sessions will be dedicated to presentations by students and postdoctoral researchers.

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